Initial Post


Thanks for checking out my blog. As of writing this, it has been a little over a month since I was laid off from my previous role. I was anxious at first but many people, from previous co-workers to friends and family, have reached out and offered to help in some way. Whether it was helping me improve my resume, sending me referrals, or introducing me to recruiters; I was and still am truly grateful for it all.

There’s few reasons why I wanted to create a blog. While searching for a new role, I didn’t want to limit myself to just doing leetcode style problems. Working on this blog and tweaking it to how I want it to look will allow me to learn new things as well. For example, this is the first time I’m using Astro and it’s been refreshing to learn something new.

Another goal for this blog is to improve my writing skills without having to rely on external tools. I just want to write what’s on my mind and express it in a way that I would write it. There’s this idea of learning in Public and as I learn new things, I would want to write about them on here as well.